High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro

Mixed use structure

Design Name

The High-Rise Structures in Porto Rio de Janeiro, designed by Paula Werneck Arquitetura, is a unique and innovative mixed-use building that combines a convention center, a hotel, a business center, shops, and apartments. This design is a response to the requirements of the World Cup 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016, which demanded significant changes in Rio de Janeiro.

One of the standout features of this design is the integration of a public square within the building, creating an open block that invites the public space into the private structure. This public square serves as the main feature of the project, providing a unique and inviting environment within a chaotic urban setting.

The High-Rise Structures in Porto Rio de Janeiro is primarily constructed using a reinforced concrete structure with columns distributed in a grid pattern. The hotel facade is a technological marvel, consisting of panels measuring 3x4 meters. These panels are fixed to the concrete structure and feature 10 different types arranged in a random order. Each facade is unique, depending on its orientation and exposure to sunlight. With 10 different types of panels and 16 different frames, the design allows for a variety of configurations throughout the building.

The project was completed by Paula Werneck Arquitetura and Luiz Mario Xavier in December 2011, after starting in August of the same year. The design has received recognition for its excellence and innovation, winning the Silver A' Design Award in the Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2012. This award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, innovation, and technical characteristics, while also evoking positive emotions and a sense of wonder.

The High-Rise Structures in Porto Rio de Janeiro is a testament to the creativity and professionalism of Paula Werneck Arquitetura, showcasing their ability to create remarkable designs that push the boundaries of architecture and design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Paula Werneck Arquitetura
Image Credits: Paula Werneck Arquitetura
Project Team Members: Luiz Mario Xavier
Project Name: High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro
Project Client: Paula Werneck Arquitetura

High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro  IMG #2
High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro  IMG #3
High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro  IMG #4
High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro  IMG #5
High-Rise Structures: Porto Rio de Janeiro  IMG #5

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